Category Archives: Credit card processing

The New Economy: Sending Payments to Vendors

By The L3 Payments Team

The New Economy came about due to a shift in the American economic paradigm that moved from predominantly manufacturing-based industries to service-based industries. 


What are Credit Card Authorization Rates and How do They Affect High-Risk Merchants?

By The L3 Payments Team

In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into credit card authorization rates. We’ll explore the fundamentals of credit card authorization, what credit card authorization rates are, and how different merchant types (MCC codes) can impact these rates.

Let’s start with the basics.


High Risk Merchant Accounts; the L3 Payments Specialty

By The L3 Payments Team

Since 2005 L3 Payments has been a leader in merchant account acquisition for high-risk and hard-to-place merchants.


What is Interchange?

By The L3 Payments Team

You are likely reading this because you have heard the term “interchange” but are unfamiliar with what it means for you and your business. In short, interchange is an underlying cost for a merchant that allows their customers to use credit cards to purchase their products and services.


Chargeback Reduction 101: The Basics of Chargeback Reduction Models

By The L3 Payments Team

Chargeback. There’s that dreaded word again. Those two conjoined syllables that strike dread into the hearts of merchants far and wide. But fear not! What if I were to tell you that there are several ways to reduce your number of chargebacks, and that you can dispute them before they even go through the consumer’s issuing bank?


Friendly Fraud: What Is It, How Does It Affect Merchants, and What Can You Do To Combat It?

By The L3 Payments Team

As a merchant, you may have heard the term “friendly fraud,” and the term may have confused you. Is it still fraud? Yes. Is it actually friendly? Well, not exactly.


What are the Visa and Mastercard Trial Rules and How do They Affect Merchants?

By The L3 Payments Team

The once confusing world of trial rules has new clarity, so what does that mean for you and your business?


Square, Stripe, and Other Payment Facilitators: They May Be Quick and Simple, but Is There a Catch?

By The L3 Payments Team

When Square and Stripe entered the online payments arena, they made it simple for merchants to accept credit cards online and, in many ways, revolutionized credit card acceptance. While ease of use was a vital step forward, there are many pitfalls to working with Payment Facilitators that can end up costing merchants significantly. 


Does L3 Payments Work with My Shopify Store

By The L3 Payments Team

Shopify customers frequently ask whether a merchant account set up through L3 Payments will work with Shopify. The answer is YES!


Merchants and Customers Rejoice as EU Reduces Swipe Fees

By ThomasKraus

Big changes have recently been implemented that will benefit both merchants and consumers in the EU. A statement released by Merchants Payments Coalition, an international organization representing retailers, supermarkets, drug stores, gas stations and online merchants announced a reduction in "swipe fees" paid to banks and credit card companies. These swipe fees increase the...


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