April Newsletter

Another busy and productive month under our collective belts here at L3! Our management team had a great time seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones at both the MAC Conference and Phoenix Forum in March, and we look forward to both the NACHA Payments conference from April 6 - 9 in Orlando, Florida and the ETA Transact 14 from April 8 - 10 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Regrettably, I did not partake in or fall for any April Fools' pranks this year, but I did see some great ones online. My favorites included some poor soul receiving a box of delicious Krispy Kreme doughnuts, only to open said box and find it full of healthy oranges, a new smartphone app that sends anonymous texts to people standing in line in front of you with messages such as "your car has been towed!" in order to send folks running for the exits while you saunter to the front of the line (mildly cruel, but with some real potential) and my favorite prank in which NPR posted an online article with the headline "Why doesn't America read anymore?" followed by a short paragraph asking for genuine readers NOT to comment on the article to prove that they read the full "story". Sure enough, most people left a comment defending themselves or waxing intellectual about the sad state of affairs in American society, proving that they did not, in fact, read beyond the headline.

If you've made it this far, you have read past the headline of this newsletter, so hats off. You'll also be glad to know that you have not read this far in vain, as our COO, Melody, has written a very informative article on the increasingly ubiquitous Bitcoin. Visit the L3 Blog or click HERE to find out what the regulators are saying about the Bitcoin phenomenon so you can make informed decisions should you decide to accept or exchange this much talked about virtual currency.

If you're not already following L3 Payments on Facebook or Twitter, we'd love to connect with you. Be sure to add L3 and send us your questions, comments, April Fool's videos or anything else you think we'd be interested in. We look forward to hearing from you!

Until next time, have a great month!

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