May Newsletter

May is here, which means beautiful weather here in Southern California and, for me, random bouts of sneezing as a deluge of pollen and smog permeates the air. But despite my allergy problem, I do love this time of year. Planting flowers in the garden, barbecues, getting a couple extra hours of daylight after work to play outside with the kids...all good things.

Speaking of good things, L3 Payments had another busy and productive month! In addition to setting up new merchant accounts and helping to keep our merchants compliant, we worked closely with our sister company, SBW, on enhancements to our Gateway, including putting the finishing touches on a new processor integration which will ensure SBW can connect to additional banking relationships in Europe. We're also getting ready to roll out some new fraud scrubbing options that will be combined with our already robust and sophisticated fraud shield, allowing merchants even more flexibility and protection against the bad guys!

That leads me to Melody Lashmar's latest article which focuses on some of the innovative ideas the payment processing industry has recently come up with to help stop fraudulent users ("bad guys" is the technical term, I believe). Melody's article explores those ideas in great detail, so be sure to check it out!

And, if you haven't already, don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Next week I'll be posting and tweeting Hrag's home address and cell phone number, just in case anyone needs to get in touch with him after hours. So don't miss out on that! (Just kidding. Maybe.)

Until next time, have a great month and enjoy that Spring weather!

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