Keeping You in the L3 Payments Loop

And so we meet again, September.

I’ll be honest; I’ve never really been a fan of you, September. As a kid you marked the end of summer vacation and the beginning of the school year. Gone were the days of building sand castles at the shore (yes, “the shore” – I grew up in New Jersey). Gone were the late nights at the boardwalk arcade playing Pac-Man until my eyes burned or I ran out of quarters, whichever came first. Yes, you always arrived too early and put an end to my fun, September. You were the proverbial police shutting down my house party at 10:00pm…right before the good stuff happens. And even now as an adult, you’re not my favorite month, September. You’re sort of that boring, intermediate time that occurs between summer and more awesome months like October (Halloween!), November (Thanksgiving for us American folks!) and December (regardless of your theological beliefs, December usually means holiday parties and time off work. Sweet!).

Actually, it occurred to me while writing about my distaste for September that my wedding anniversary is this month. Did I mention I LOVE September!?!

All joking aside…

Another reason I am genuinely excited for September is because it marks the launch of our new L3 Payments website! As you may have noticed, this site is chock full of useful information for both existing clients and prospects alike. Our blog will be updated frequently, providing insight into our business as well as the payment processing industry at large, and our monthly Newsletter will keep you informed of exciting events, new product offerings and even some fun facts about our team here at L3.

Speaking of fun…

L3 Payments will have a presence at all three industry events in September! Look for us at XBiz in London, Webmaster Access in Amsterdam and the EU Summit in Prague. We look forward to connecting with existing clients as well as meeting new faces to discuss the myriad ways L3 Payments can help improve your business. Meanwhile, please feel free to contact us any time for support ( or sales inquiries ( Or, if you’re the talkin’ type, you can reach us by phone at 805-449-1191.

With all of this exciting news, it looks like we can be friends after all, September.

- Thomas Kraus (Director of Client Services)

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